

Introduction Certification

Maletti Spa attaches great importance to the collaboration with suppliers that promote and are actors of a correct management of forestry in the world, therefore it has obtained the FSC® Forest Stewardship Council certification (Certificate Code BV-COC-175254).

FSC® - Forests For All Forever


The FSC® Chain of Custody certification guarantees in a correct and transparent way that the supply of wood material derives from a tracked and controlled supply chain, and compliance with standards defined by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), based on agreed principles for responsible forest management, supported by environmental, social and economic stakeholders. The supply chain of certified wood material is traced from the manufacturer, through the distributor, to the direct supplier of Maletti.


  • Icona
    Promotes environmentally responsible forest management
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    Promotes responsible consumption of raw materials
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    Helps take care of forests for future generations
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    Ensures a transparent and controlled supply chain

To learn more, visit www.fsc.org

Theme FSC® Certified Products

Maletti Spa has expanded its range of products by adding FSC® certified products. Request our FSC® certified products: by choosing these products, you help take care of the world’s forests.

Company and Policy

Over the years, Maletti Spa has intentionally promoted the application of policies aimed at taking care of all those operating within it, adopting and formalizing the FSC® policy, available at the following link. The human heritage is the true added value of our organization, therefore Maletti Spa sets itself the objective to listen and understand the needs and expectations of human resources, To create an environment in which staff are placed in the best conditions for their work.

This FSC® Labour Rights Policy is regularly reviewed to ensure it is appropriate in relation to regulatory changes, code of conduct updates and other corporate requirements.

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