Maletti among the excellencies awarded at the Intercoiffure Italia conference
At the end of November, the 61st ICD Italy Conference took place at Palazzo Torlonia in Rome, under the presidency of Gerry Santoro, where numerous awards were presented to illustrious names from different sectors, from television to cinema, radio, fashion, medical, journalism, politics and entrepreneurship. An event conceived by Marzia Ponzi that aims to honour distinguished personalities who have excelled in their artistic and cultural careers.
As part of this important ceremony, the Maletti Group, in the person of its CEO Danilo Maletti, was recognised as a company which has always been close to the ICD and a leader for over 85 years in the hairdresser’s furnishings sector. Maletti is not only an example of excellence in its field, but is part of a bigger context of exceptional personalities who contribute to the cultural and artistic enrichment of society.